As we work with mostly suppliers its very important to us that we uphold the image of the supplier on the customer site. The way we speak and the way with act is always to a high 5 Star standard as we want to impress the customer with the service they are receiving.

We take H&S seriously and we always follow the customer guidelines to the letter, we never take risks… This is why so many of our customers are happy for us to visit their customer site un-escorted as they trust that we will Represent them to a high standard.

We set the bar high for others to follow, this is why we are a double award winning company for our service

Our Standards

Your Questions

Before you buy your next vending machine from anyone other than Safe Stock, ask yourself a few questions…

Can I trust them?

Are they the right fit?

Are they professional?

Can I count on them?

By setting our standards high we can answer YES to all the above

Posted in Corporate News